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CDC number of 2.5 Million DGUs gets pulled back to be recalculated

Wed, 05/02/2018 - 08:35

CDC number of 2.5 Million DGUs gets pulled back to be recalculated

We all remember when this story broke a while back about the CDC hiding a study for 20 years that confirmed that over 2 million defensive gun uses happen in this country every year. Now that original article at Reason has been updated with this… UPDATE: You will note the original link doesn’t work right […]

Dueling gun headlines…

Wed, 04/25/2018 - 12:14

Dueling gun headlines…

Stricter gun control could stop violent men killing their partners and themselves and… Gun Laws Fail to Stop Violent Men From Killing Their Partners, New Analysis of Murder-suicides Warns Well? Which is it? They are both the same story, but Newsweek is opining that CURRENT gun laws don’t work, so we need more gun laws. […]

Calling for gun control is white privilege

Tue, 04/10/2018 - 08:33

Calling for gun control is white privilege

That’s right. Gun control is racist. Every time you say that people should not own a gun what you are really saying is black people shouldn’t own guns, Jews shouldn’t own guns, women shouldn’t own guns. What better way to assure that this country never returns to slavery than to not infringe on anyone’s right […]

So London wants to stop the epidemic of knife violence…

Mon, 04/09/2018 - 14:43

So London wants to stop the epidemic of knife violence…

Apparently they don’t understand how to stop a bad guy with a knife over there in jolly old England…   A good guy with a gun works every time. Common sense is truly dead. Long live the Queen!

David Hogg is not the problem. We are the problem…

Fri, 03/30/2018 - 08:20

David Hogg is not the problem. We are the problem…

The problem here is not David Hogg… The problem here is that our side has not figured out social media as a weapon of war yet. Going after the advertisers is not being a petulant baby, its just him running a very effective play from their playbook. This is not the first time this play […]

Compare and contrast: David Hogg edition

Thu, 03/29/2018 - 08:21

Compare and contrast: David Hogg edition

One of these things is just like the other… Here is a screen shot from Star Wars the Force Awakens… Remember when the left used to vilify the right as being ‘The Evil Empire’?  Dick Chaney was Darth Vader and Bush was literally Hitler? Good times, good times. Talk amongst yourselves!

The NRA just got their asses handed to them…

Fri, 03/23/2018 - 13:42

The NRA just got their asses handed to them…

I’ll go ahead and say it…. The NRA just got their asses handed to them. They were unprepared, overconfident, and had no viable planned response. They ended up with a broken nose as a result. Via The Gun Feed… Go rad this article. Here are the key takeaways as outlined by The Gun Feed: Head […]

The U.S. does not have the most mass shootings in the developed World

Mon, 03/19/2018 - 09:35

The U.S. does not have the most mass shootings in the developed World

Its all lies, its all propaganda, and its all an effort to disarm the American people. Here is a look at the numbers… Via President Obama talked about it a lot, including in June of 2015, after a gunman shot nine people in a Charleston, North Carolina church: “Let’s be clear: At some point, we […]

The Pro-Gun side is wrongly framing the debate for arming teachers…

Thu, 03/15/2018 - 16:04

The Pro-Gun side is wrongly framing the debate for arming teachers…

And we are losing because of it. Here is the deal… Teachers and Administrators are predominantly Liberals. Not all are, but on a macro level and across the nation as a whole this is most certainly the case. It is also the case that the further up the food chain that you go and as […]

A Teacher’s Second Amendment

Mon, 03/12/2018 - 09:01

A Teacher’s Second Amendment

A well armed school staff, being necessary to the security of our children, the right of teachers to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed. Anything less is literally telling teachers that they must die. There is currently no 100% guaranteed way to keep a murderous lunatic from gaining access to our children at […]

BREAKING – President Michelle Obamas’ DOJ Moves to redefine ‘Machine Gun’ to include semi-automatics

Sun, 03/11/2018 - 09:27

BREAKING – President Michelle Obamas’ DOJ Moves to redefine ‘Machine Gun’ to include semi-automatics

On Saturday President Michelle Obama’s Attorney General, Diane Feinstein, filed regulation to redefine the term ‘machine gun’ to now include the rapid fire firearms more commonly known as ‘semi-automatics’. After successfully using this regulatory maneuver on her first day in office to outlaw high capacity magazines (now legally defined as having more than 4 rounds), […]

Rights don’t change just because technology changes…

Fri, 03/02/2018 - 08:13

Rights don’t change just because technology changes…

Similar to yesterday’s discussion, We should not and shall not ban semi-automatic firearms simply because technology has advanced since the days of muskets.  Our rights are not conditional. They are not situational, and they certainly do not change just because technology changes. Lets apply this liberal logic to other rights shall we? Perhaps we should […]

The useful idiots of Moms Demand Action…

Fri, 03/02/2018 - 07:56

The useful idiots of Moms Demand Action…

Moms Demand Action at their finest…

‘Donald Trump kills more people than guns, we should ban voting!’

Thu, 03/01/2018 - 10:33

‘Donald Trump kills more people than guns, we should ban voting!’

Thats the argument that liberals are making right now… That our constitutional rights are situational, and that they are conditional. WRONG! Guns can not be banned simply because kids got murdered. Yes, its horrific what happened in the Florida school shooting, but that does not mean that our rights are predicated on the fact that […]

Delta Airlines and United Airlines: Guns for we but not for thee!

Mon, 02/26/2018 - 07:50

Delta Airlines and United Airlines: Guns for we but not for thee!

Yes, Delta Airlines and United has come out to bash the NRA and cut business ties with them. Translation: ‘Guns are bad, the NRA is evil, gun manufacturers are the devil!’ OK. Thats fine. But why are you still allowing your pilots to carry guns? Why are you still allowing armed air marshals to provide […]

Why do the police need “mass shooting guns”?

Tue, 02/20/2018 - 10:51

Why do the police need “mass shooting guns”?

Actual Headline from the LA Slimes… “No one becomes a mass shooter without a mass-shooting gun” Really? A mass-shooting gun? These people are making the case that ‘Only the police’ should have “mass shooting guns”. These are the same people who made the case for the longest time that cops in America are systematically hunting […]

Fun with brain dead liberal gun grabbers…

Sun, 02/18/2018 - 09:43

Fun with brain dead liberal gun grabbers…

So we had a mass shooting… and right on cue the gun grabbers demand justification for why anyone NEEDS an AR-15…. OK, I’ll answer your question. And this is the same way that I will answer every gun grabber for the next 7 years… Gun grabber: Why does a civilian need an AR-15? Me: Because […]

Obama Portrait Meme: He goes shooting all the time!

Wed, 02/14/2018 - 08:43

Obama Portrait Meme: He goes shooting all the time!

Crudely thrown together… Someone please do one better than mine.

Dear #SHOTShow2018 : How about a double stacked 1911 that takes Glock Mags

Thu, 01/25/2018 - 14:07

Dear #SHOTShow2018 : How about a double stacked 1911 that takes Glock Mags

We all know that we are never going to get this… So why doesn’t someone just make a 1911 that takes Glock mags? When I saw this…. The first thing that popped into my head was a double stacked 1911 that could take Glock mags… Hmmm seems like surely someone out there could make it […]

The best thing about the Franklin Armory Reformation is the ammo

Wed, 01/24/2018 - 10:38

The best thing about the Franklin Armory Reformation is the ammo

So by now you have seen the news of the Franklin Armory Reformation. It has no rifling, but rather straight-cut lands and grooves. The barrel imparts no spin on the projectile. Coupled with this they have also introduced a new fin-stabilized ammo. Seen here and here. This new fin-tailed ammo brings the new Franklin Armory […]
