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Information for United States firearm owners and carriers.
Updated: 2 days 38 min ago

Shaping up around here.

Thu, 10/24/2013 - 17:21
Starting to shape up around here.


For the past couple weeks I have had this site running but really not open to the public or on it's own domain name.  I have been setting a few things up testing them out and deciding on how I wanted to have everything look.  I have to say i think things are REALLY starting to look good.  I added a logo just today that I think will really set things off and will hopefully be acquiring a domain name for this site shortly.


I may be shifting a couple news feeds around in the near future as I would like to have the most recent info available near the top and feeds that are not updated regularly will go towards the bottom.  The feeds with a ton of "fluff" will probably be removed as well.  It seems some of the feed owners are more interested in trying to use the feeds to sell something rather than actually provide news and information that is useful.


I am also going to start an area for a few advertisements. . . it's a necessary evil, I know but I only allow ads that are useful and I

Media vs. "Gun Culture"

Sat, 10/12/2013 - 15:04
This video was made on December 25, 2012 and hits some really good points about the events that sometimes is thrown into the media.

Welcome to the US Firearm Carry site

Tue, 10/01/2013 - 18:01
This is just getting off the ground but I hope to bring lots of information to one place for information about issues for people who own or carry firearms in the United States.

It seems like there are tons of place out there with great info on what is going on but you have to scour the web yourself to find it. Well I hope to bring as much as possible all to one place.   Thanks for stopping by and I hope you enjoy your stay.
