Arms and the Law

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Updated: 3 days 11 hours ago

testing again

Fri, 10/22/2021 - 20:41

and cursing. I posted several posts... and they vanished.

Back in action

Wed, 10/13/2021 - 17:44

Apparently the blog host updated its interface, so that my usual computers (a pair of older Macs) wouldn't interface with it. I finally got a Windows laptop and can post from that. I'm just now starting to the learn the new OS and browser and hardware, so it may be slow for a bit.
It appears all the older posts have been moved to the archives, and can be found by clicking on that link.


Wed, 10/13/2021 - 16:07

trying to get back in action

2021 Gun Rights Policy Conference is online

Tue, 09/28/2021 - 17:15

It's virtual this year: the first day is posted to youtube, here.

Defensive gun uses far outnumber gun homicides

Wed, 09/22/2021 - 19:19

That's the subject of an article at Real Clear Investigations. Prof. Kleck has written first-rate articles and books on the subject for decades.

Update--I was referring not to this article, but to the work of Prof. Gary Kleck. Kleck, Gary and Marc Gertz. 1995. "Armed Resistance to Crime: the Prevalence and Nature of Self-defense with a Gun." Journal of Criminal Law & Criminology 86(1):150-187.

NYSRA amicus briefs for the other side filed

Wed, 09/22/2021 - 13:37

Here's the Supreme Court docket, with links to each pdf filing. Theirs begin after "argument set," dated Aug. 16. I count 36 of them, but may be a little off.

Their dominate in one thing: big name organizations. American Bar Association, ACLU, Amnesty International, League of Women Voters, etc., essentially the organizations of the elite. None of those listed should have much institutional interest in the 2A or gun control, so they wade in because it's one of the elites against the rest of us.

Quick skims indicate very little discussion of history or real con law. Most briefs are "guns are bad and gun laws are good." I notice attempts at narrowing the issue... not so much is gun control good as gun control is good in big cities like New York.

Very cool!

Sun, 09/19/2021 - 23:44

It's reported that the Mossad used an FN-MAG controlled by satellite link to kill Iran's top nuclear scientist.

Online Gun Rights Policy Conference, Sept 25-16

Wed, 09/15/2021 - 18:02

For the second year, Second Amendment Foundation is hosting its Gun Rights Policy Conference online.

Their history dates back to when SAF organized Scholars' Conferences in the late 1970s. I distinctly remember one in 1978, I think it was the second one, in St. Louis. At those conferences, I first met Steve Halbrook, Joyce Malcolm, Don Kates (who chaired them), David Caplan, and others. Egad, 43 years ago, about 2/3 of a human lifetime.

New York files its brief in NYSRPA

Tue, 09/14/2021 - 21:49

On the Supreme Court docket here. The historical discussion begins on p. 21.

Right off the top, it discusses "surety to keep the peace" statutes as if they disarmed the defendant. All the ones I've seen just bound the defendant to keep the peace for six months or a year; whether he carried arms during that time was not affected. They applied only if someone, the plaintiff, proved that the defendant had threatened him or breached his peace.

I love a story with a happy ending!

Sun, 09/12/2021 - 16:19

Right here.

South Dakota Air Nat'l Guard honors Joe Foss

Sun, 09/12/2021 - 15:55

Story here. I knew Foss when he was an NRA director and president, prior to his death in 2003. He earned the Medal of Honor ... on Guadalcanal, where as one writer said, uncommon courage was a common virtue, and he stood out even there. Here's an understated summary of his actions, and here's a much more colorful one at Badass of the Week.

Biden withdraws Chipman from confirmation as head of ATF

Thu, 09/09/2021 - 15:01

Story here. I must say, for some reason, one look at the fellow and I didn't like him. This is one of his better photos.

NYSRPA set for argument November 3

Tue, 09/07/2021 - 15:29

Notice here. Early in the new Term, and only case set for that day. Since I'd predict the ruling will come late in the Term, say in June, we'll have a long wait.

A morning uplift

Wed, 09/01/2021 - 13:32

From Everytown for Gun Control (alias for something more acceptable-sounding):

"Across the country, the NRA has convinced lawmakers to pass permitless carry--a dangerous law that allows people to carry hidden, loaded handguns in public without a background check or any safety training. Starting today, Texas is the 20th state with a permitless carry law in effect, marking a dangerous new chapter for gun safety in the state."

More on Taliban arms confiscations

Mon, 08/30/2021 - 18:56

Biden sends Beto O'Rourke to Afghanistan.

""Unlike America, the Taliban is very progressive when it comes to gun legislation. This is just a common-sense measure," O'Rourke said as he wrestled an AK-47 out of the hands of an Afghan woman before the Taliban whisked her away."

But there is good news.

"Unfortunately, O'Rourke was caught in his furry costume and is now imprisoned on death row. Biden says we will have to either drop off some pallets of cash to get him back or start a second Afghan war."

From the Babylon Bee, our most trusted source for fake news.

Case striking down two Hawaii gun laws

Mon, 08/30/2021 - 17:16

Analysis here. Alan Beck and Stephen D. Stamboulieh got the win.

Hawaii law requires a permit to purchase a handgun, and the first case struck down the requirement that the handgun be obtained within ten days of the permit being issued. The law also requires the purchaser to bring the handgun to a police station so it can be inspected and registered. That was struck down, as well.

NFA arms

Wed, 08/25/2021 - 16:03

Just reflected--among all the military hardware left in Afghanistan, there were around 978,000 M-16s and M4s. Last I heard, the number of transferrable full-autos in the US was about 200,000. So Afghanistan, population around that of California, now has five times as Many full-autos as does the US! And that's not counting what they got from the Soviets.

I got an email ad for ammo, and replied they should send their buyers to Kabul. They have tons of US-made 5.56, and likely will sell it for scrap value.

