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Latest News and Articles from David Codrea as Gun Rights Examiner.
Updated: 1 week 20 hours ago

Novelist’s violent wishes exemplify ‘progressive’ paradox on guns and more

Wed, 04/29/2015 - 18:29
Continuing with the trend of privileged “progressives” blaming bigotry where alternative explanations for inequities exist, Nobel, Pulitzer and Presidential Freedom prize-winning novelist Toni Morrison uttered a shocking but...

Oregon ivory ban bill puts gun and knife owners in undefined legal danger

Wed, 04/29/2015 - 10:13
The Oregon Senate passed a wide-ranging ivory ban bill Tuesday, Oregon Firearms Federation, a statewide “no compromise” gun rights advocacy group, told members via an email and website alert. The bill, sponsored by Democrat Sen. Mark...

Baltimore riots highlight ‘progressive’ paradox on guns and police

Tue, 04/28/2015 - 15:37
As Baltimore erupts in violence, and Mayor Stephanie Rawlings-Blake promises a safe haven for destroyers (thwarted only by the occasional armed citizen protecting life and property where the police fear to tread), an inescapable observation...

Defense of slavery decisions points to ultimate need for armed citizenry

Mon, 04/27/2015 - 12:12
Anti-gun Oregon Democrat State Senator Chuck Riley says the Supreme Court was “right for the time” for upholding the enslavement of blacks as Constitutional. His comments came after questioning by gun rights advocates who were...

Gun rights advocates can use social media to better influence political outcomes

Sat, 04/25/2015 - 14:01
“Yes, of course my senators voted for her, and what kills me is members in lost states wasting their limited time contacting committed, immovable Democrats in safe seats - like DiFi, Boxer and Schumer - when we could've been...

‘Kapo’ von Furstenberg gives Giffords ‘gun control’ award at UN

Fri, 04/24/2015 - 15:54
Designer Diane von Furstenberg's DVF Foundation presented former Arizona congresswoman Gabby Giffords with its Inspiration Award at the United Nations Thursday, the Associated Press reported. The $50,000 prize will be given to the Americans...

Courant cartoonist takes personal hatred, frustration out on gun owners

Thu, 04/23/2015 - 18:50
One of The Hartford Courant’s resident haters is at it again, relying on his longtime M.O. of insulting Connecticut gun rights advocates. Cartoonist Bob Englehart’s depiction of a Connecticut Citizen Defense League member as a...

Oath Keepers providing security in mine dispute with BLM

Wed, 04/22/2015 - 13:41
Proprietors of a mine at the center of a land use dispute called for a Thursday protest at the Medford District Bureau of Land Management office while they attempt to serve papers, the Sugar Pine Mine announced Sunday. The mine...

Cleveland gun edicts violate law, infringe on rights and won’t stop violence

Tue, 04/21/2015 - 16:14
Admitting that legislation it passed Monday will not stop violent crime, Cleveland politicians instead came up with excuses for imposing it on citizens anyway, Northeast Ohio Media Group reported. All but one Council member, Zack Reed, voted in...

Chicago defensive gun use refutes ‘gun safety advocate’ contentions

Mon, 04/20/2015 - 17:17
An Uber driver with a concealed carry permit, something self-designated “common sense gun safety law” advocates fought tooth and nail, saved a crowd of people on a Chicago street after a criminal opened fire on them by...

Reese family files settlement agreement with government on seized property

Sun, 04/19/2015 - 18:41
Attempting to bring an end to an ordeal that began in 2011, former gun dealers Rick and Terri Reese filed a settlement agreement with the U.S. government Friday in the District Court of the United States for the District...

Gun Owners of America leads coalition opposing Lynch confirmation

Thu, 04/16/2015 - 15:54
Predicting that confirmation of Loretta Lynch for Attorney General will constitute “the Supreme Court’s fifth vote in waiting,” Gun Owners of America posted an alert Thursday urging members and supporters to contact their...

Tim McGraw lends support to divide and conquer tactic with anti-gun concert

Wed, 04/15/2015 - 17:33
Country singer Tim McGraw’s announcement Monday that he will be headlining a benefit concert for the “progressive” Sandy Hook Promise Foundation may disappoint some fans, but it should hardly surprise those who recall the...

Dark knight Bloomberg’s approval of Jeb and Hillary bodes ill for gun rights

Mon, 04/13/2015 - 14:02
That titles of nobility were viewed by the Founders as incompatible with the Constitutional form of government they established is a given. So it should come as no surprise that Michael Bloomberg, one of the foremost advocates for infringing on...

Corroborating details emerging on backroom gun deal with ATF

Sun, 04/12/2015 - 10:56
“Sipsey Street Irregulars can now confirm the broad outlines of a story first disclosed two days ago,” colleague Mike Vanderboegh reported Sunday from the NRA Annual Meeting in Nashville. “Last week, a secret deal involving the...

ATF classification compromise to redefine sporting use, ban certain ammo imports

Fri, 04/10/2015 - 05:15
The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives’ classification of pistol grip only firearms with 14” barrels that fire shotgun shells and are over 26” in overall length as neither “shotguns” nor National...

Key gun rights questions likely to go unasked at NRA meeting

Thu, 04/09/2015 - 12:27
As gun owners gather this weekend for the National Rifle Association’s annual meeting in Nashville, two events are scheduled to take place that will have lasting effects on politics affecting the right to keep and bear arms: This...

Congressional Fast and Furious inquiry letter falls short, lacks teeth

Wed, 04/08/2015 - 16:57
“Chuck Grassley demands: Where is punishment for ATF agents in Fast & Furious?” The Washington Times reported Tuesday. “The chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee is pressing the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and...

Citizens have become prohibited persons for less than what Hillary allegedly did

Tue, 04/07/2015 - 11:35
A new book about life inside the Clinton White House notes reported incidents of violent physical assaults using a lamp and/or other objects as weapons by the former First Lady and presumptive Democrat presidential contender against then-President...

‘Armed American Radio’ launches ‘Daily Defense’ program

Mon, 04/06/2015 - 16:58
Mark Walters, host of the weekly nationally-syndicated “Armed American Radio” program, began broadcasting “Daily Defense” Monday afternoon, a newly-redesigned AAR website informed listeners and fans. The one-hour Monday...
