Gun Free Zone

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Where a Redneck Jew and a Hispanic Catholic write about Gun Rights, Self Defense and whatever else we can think about.
Updated: 4 days 15 hours ago

Another Gun Free Zone Shooting & Cops nearby.

Fri, 07/24/2015 - 07:21
Clearly stated in the Theater chain’s website: Gun Free Zone.

Two police officers were very close to the theater and were able to respond to the chaotic scene in less than a minute, Craft said. The officers entered the theater as a stream of theatergoers fled. As the officers entered, they heard a single gunshot, which was the suspect shooting himself. He may have seen the police coming, Craft said.

Source: Lafayette movie theater shooting: Injury count increases to 9 |

Details are still few.  Was it a celebratory copycat of the Aurora shooting? Probably we will never know.

Stay Safe & Carry Everywhere.


Inside the Mind of Gun Grabber: The Minions!

Fri, 07/24/2015 - 06:00

Not the cute yellow ones from the movies. These are selected Gamma males that circle around a #GunSense conversation shouting slogans and assorted idiocies.

They are fun to read and serve a good purpose: to check what mindless meme is fashionable at any given moment.

If you were looking for common sense and a smidgen of sanity, you will not find it here. Some more.

They sort of explain why the Honey Boboo girl, the Kardasians and assorted less-than-stellar figurines are the rage on TV.

Have a great weekend everybody. Go to the range for some ballistic therapy and the fact that the people above will be having fits knowing you are shooting boolits and exercising your Second Amendment Rights.

Trolling British Law Enforcement.

Thu, 07/23/2015 - 14:54

Presented without a comment.

Your funny for the Day. (I’ll just throw all the alerts here)

Thu, 07/23/2015 - 09:00

Hat tip to Paul H. who also sent the warning.

Beverage alert.  Seriously – move them from the  room.  Also any sharp instruments, anything you do not want knocked off your desk, and small children.


It does not get any cuter than this…

Thu, 07/23/2015 - 05:58

Alexis Nicole stopped by for a photo shoot today. Gremlin took an immediate liking to her. I can see why — she’s a very impressive and multi-talented young lady.

Source: My favorite photo of the day | VolkStudio Blog

And as bonus, Gun Grabbers’ head are exploding all over the place.

Now that is downright mean.

Wed, 07/22/2015 - 12:11


“Timmy, you stay here and watch the other kids climb up the stairs. If it starts to rain, park underneath with the blind girl.”

Maybe I am missing something, but that looks downright cruel. The mirror cannot help much either.

And stop laughing, you freaks!

Inside the mind of a Gun Grabber.

Wed, 07/22/2015 - 05:59

WTF is the Gun Range Loophole?

Tue, 07/21/2015 - 05:15

To say that Protest Easy Guns is “way out there” is selling them short. They make CSGV Laddites look like Buddhist monks on Valium.

Since they are not giving explanations, can anybody tell me what do they mean by Gun Range Loophole?

Aspirin…I need aspirin.

Why are Anti Gunners so Violent? Chicago Tribune Edition.

Mon, 07/20/2015 - 06:00

And don’t forget: The bad guy got away.

Source: Guns on the bus: Still a bad idea – Chicago Tribune


A long editorial from the folks at the Chicago Tribune condemning the idea of allowing people with Concealed Permits to carry in public transportation. They cite the case of a grandmother in Detroit who used her gun against a critter that attacked her. She shot him several times, missed and the guy indeed ran away.

The Editors of the Tribune go through the usual primrose patch of “ZOMG! She could have killed someone! Bus Full Of Nuns and Orphans! Blood of the Innocent” as excuses not to allow good people be armed in buses (not a word about criminals already traveling with their guns) and somehow, to cap their long-winding discourse, they say that the lack of a dead body or a bleeding troll waiting for an ambulance proves concealed carry does not work.

Well, in their defense, they do make money when bodies fall to the ground. I am somewhat surprised that they don’t use red ink to print the “news.”

Women can’t have guns because it will be taken away from them and killed, right?

Mon, 07/20/2015 - 05:59

CHARLESTON, W.Va. (WSAZ) — A deadly shooting in Charleston is now believed to have been an act of self defense, according to police.It happened Saturday afternoon in the 800 block of 6th street on the city’s west side. Police say a man with a gun on him attacked a woman. They say after strangling her, she grabbed his gun and shot him once. The man died at the scene.

Source: UPDATE: Deadly Shooting in Charleston Believed to be Self Defense

Once again reality beats Bloomberg-Sponsored University “studies.”

“I am going to Hell” Files: Jesus Loves You.

Mon, 07/20/2015 - 05:57

Was I supposed to issue a beverage alert?

Sunday Firefly

Sun, 07/19/2015 - 06:00

One thing we missed due to the costumes the ladies wore on the show?

Great legs!

Click to enlarge.

Neil Young whining

Sun, 07/19/2015 - 05:58

Because Prosecutor’s misconduct never happens.

Sat, 07/18/2015 - 06:00

This story is bizarre, but it’s not all that unusual: Prosecutors can prosecute even the weakest, most clearly flawed cases relentlessly, and innocent people can end up in jail. This week, after two and a half years in prison, Mark Weiner saw his conviction vacated. It finally ended a saga in which Weiner was arrested, convicted, and sentenced to eight years in jail on charges of abducting a woman with the intent to sexually harm her.

Source: Mark Weiner conviction vacated: Chelsea Steiniger text case finally overturned.

I know I am a pest because i keep repeating the same song over and over, but it is unfortunately very true.  A man’s life was ruined because a derelict prosecutor created a case where none existed.

And I don’t know if it had any bearing, but I would not be surprised if it did.

The Albemarle County prosecutor, who is elected to the post, is currently Commonwealth’s Attorney Denise Lunsford.

Go read the article. It will scare you worse than seeing grandma naked.

Hiram residents hold watch at recruitment center.

Sat, 07/18/2015 - 06:00

HIRAM, Ga. -The morning after a deadly attack on two military centers in Chattanooga, residents in Hiram are standing watch outside the local recruiting office with their personal firearms. It is their unique way of honoring the fallen Marines and they said to protect the lives of those who serve in the military.

Source: Hiram residents hold watch at recruitment center – Atlanta News, Weather, Traffic, and Sports | FOX 5

When the SHTF, which do you think the recruiters rather have? People like the ones above or Moms Demand with their famous Lemonade Stand?

Hat Tip to Rob Morse.

Two people playing Stupid Games.

Fri, 07/17/2015 - 09:36

And fortunately no Stupid Prizes were collected. Watch it all the way.

Idiot on the left..well, what can you say? Drunk or high with a BB gun trying to score.

Idiot on the left? If he felt threatened, why didn’t he shoot? And if he did not feel threatened (detected it was a BB gun) WTF are you doing playing with that thing? And specially getting physical with the robber? He was bullying/showing off with the gun (Pistol Whip) and if the other guy was not so screwed up, he could have gone for the real thing and we would have a mess.



