Still out for a bit but a little update.


So surgery went well, doc had to remove some bone including a chip that had started to grow causing a lot of the problems I was having.  I am stiff and sore but in a lot of ways feel better than I have in a while.  It's odd to say at the very least the pain is a bit different from what I have had for years and I found myself walking the dog with a little smile on my face.

Went for some therapy today and though it was mainly passive they also did a minor bandage change so got a picture of the surgery site.  If you have a queasy stomach this may not be good for you but it's not too bad overall.  I will post it a bit lower just in case though.


But anyway I am typing with two hands and starting to work it a bit.  Doctor called and checked in with me this evening and explained it all a bit since I was out of it Thursday.  Will see him again on the 29th and see how things go.  The only bad thing is that therapy is 30 bucks each visit with the evaluation at 35.  That to me is what hurts the most.

For anyone interested in dropping a few dollars so that I can actually afford some therapy and pain medication my wife setup a page where a donation can be made.



click for a larger view



Stay safe out there America. The crazies are always out on the prowl.  And help keep an eye on me too, with a bum shoulder and pain meds I will reluctantly be disarmed.

