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A modern twist of Molon Labe
Updated: 1 week 1 day ago

Another win for gun control as 29 unarmed Chinese are slaughtered during KNIFE rampage

Sun, 03/02/2014 - 16:42

Gun controllers love to to try and say that knife rampages don’t happen.

That is a fallacy.  Knife rampages do indeed happen.  They just happen in gun control utopias…and gun controllers HATE to have to admit that.

And no, I don’t mean just in places like human rights violating China.

I’m talking about Sunset Park, Brooklyn and in California schools.

You can click on those hyperlinks to read those tales.  But this article is about China.  In Kunming China on Saturday, 29 unarmed (thanks gun control) innocent civilians were butchered when 5 knife wielding assailants started hacking their way through the chattel.

5 people killed 29 and injured 143 more before the police EVENTUALLY got there to shoot 4 of the perpetrators and capture one.

Fortunately the 29 dead and 143 injured did not have to dirty their hands with having to use a gun to save their own lives (note the heavy sarcasm).  That’s the gun controllers utopia isn’t it?  Only the state has access to firearms.

Hey Connecticut, 1933 Berlin called, they want their Gestapo back

Sun, 03/02/2014 - 14:10

The powers that be in Connecticut have decided that little things like the Constitution and Rights have no place in the (ironically named) Constitution state.

When you have the Connecticut State Police spokesman, Lt. Paul Vance declare that anyone who voices opinions contrary to support of the new gun control law “sounds anti-American” one cannot help but hear shades of the Gestapo looking to root out any perceived opposition to the dictatorship.

Here is a quote from Lt. Vance during a phone conversation with a woman whose husband received a letter saying he must turn in or destroy his weapons because the authority didn’t get the paperwork in time:

“Ma’am, it sounds like you’re anti-American, it sounds like you’re anti-law.”

According to Vance, if you are not lock step in line with the government’s oppression then you are Anti-American.

When the caller, Ashley, responds to this notion by saying that Vance is a public servant and whose job it is to serve the people, his flippant and tyrannical response is this:

“I’m the master, ma’am. I’m the master.” (and by extension the people are HIS servants)

Vance would cont

Winter is Coming…and the White Walkers are coming for your guns

Fri, 02/28/2014 - 16:17

With the seemingly endless winter that most of the country has been dealing with recently, I have had occasion to reflect on a series of books that I enjoy, George RR Martin’s “A Song of Ice and Fire.”

The more I thought about it the more I realized that the tale told in the tomes of his series are an allegory for a lot of what is going on in the US.

You see, in America, which has experienced and enjoyed freedom and liberty for so long, the people forget that these things are not guaranteed.  That they were bought many years ago with the blood of both Patriot and Tyrant alike.

But after such a long while in the sun you forget that winter exists.  Even when people see the signs all around, they say things like “that’ll NEVER happen here” or “that CAN’T happen here.”

Notions of preparedness and being on guard for attacks on what we take for granted are chalked up to paranoia and grandstanding rhetoric.  The term “tyrant” and thoughts of “oppression” are relegated to hyperbole.  The notion that Americans would ever lose the right to keep and bear arms are marginalized as the baseless fears of “gun nuts” fostered by the capitalism of gun companies.

Another case where Gun Registration leads to Gun Confiscation

Fri, 02/28/2014 - 11:15

As a child, I remember watching the movie Red Dawn starring Patrick Swayze and C. Thomas Howell.

The thing that about that movie that really hit a chord with me was a scene when the Soviets had just landed and the commander told one of his lieutenants to go to the gun shops for they would have a list of all the guns owned by the people, thus making it easier for the Soviets to round them up.

Now, while a work of fiction, the concept is sound.  If you make a list of everyone who has a gun, it’s easier for an oppressive authority to confiscate them when they don’t want you to have them.

Unfortunately in America, this is not limited to the realm of fiction.

I have spoken about he jackbooted thuggery of New Orleans Police when they went out and forcibly confiscated guns from citizens in the city during the wake of Hurricane Katrina, but those were “innocent” people.

Today I’m going to highlight a story about a “guilty” person.  The reason guilty is in quotation marks will become clear.

On October 12th, 2013 Paul Wojdan of Lockport City, NY was arrested and the police looked on his pistol permit and saw it

Liberal hate aims to derail Heston Stamp

Thu, 02/27/2014 - 12:39

It’s a small thing really.  A famed legendary actor getting a US Postal stamp.

Unless of course that famed actor actively fought for the 2nd Amendment.

Charlton Heston was initially scheduled to have his likeness adorn a US Postage Stamp on April 11th, 2014.  Yet after the intelligentsia of the left got wind of this they have been making all kinds of racket.  As such, the powers that be somewhere along the line forced the Postal Service to issue a statement refuting the stamp being a done deal.

Roy Betts, spokesmen for the USPS said:

The document (stating Heston’s stamp release) was not meant for publication, nor have final decisions been made. While the document contained recommendations from the 15 members of the Citizens’ Stamp Advisory Committee, its selections are not final until other steps are taken, including legal reviews and consumer input.

The BS meter on that one is going through the roof.  That’s not my opinion, it is a FACT that Betts is shoveling a heaping shovel of horse hockey as the United States Postal Services OWN WEBSITE stated the contrary.  It’s still up in case you are curious and can be found here:

Veteran / Second Amendment Supporters Take Over Anti-Gun Rights Meeting!

Wed, 02/26/2014 - 14:12
Americans everywhere, Patriots who believe in the Constitution, are beginning to show signs of fighting for our inalienable Second Amendment rights.

Here is a brilliant and inspiring example of We the People pushing back at the gun-grabbers. And though it took place in January 2013, the impact of the event is still being felt.

 at Legal Insurrection writes:

After enduring hours of derision and mockery by the panelists at a Chicago-area guns “forum” Sunday, one man in the audience stood up and addressed the crowd, identified himself as a veteran, and proceeded to give a straightforward but passionate defense of his support for the First and Second Amendments.

The video is awesome!

Veteran Kevin Tully had had enough. His fellow Patriots had had enough.

Here is the more of the exchange:  

Does Upstate New York have the answer to breaking free of Gun Control?

Wed, 02/26/2014 - 12:40

With the passage of the freedom crushing SAFE Act, some have speculated that the politicians in Albany, made up heavily from downstate gun grabbers, have taken a bridge too far.

It was so sloppily thrown together and included banning police officers from using their firearms that it had to be altered in order to create two classes of citizens.  Those who work for the states who still get to exercise the rights enumerated in the Constitution and the rest of the people, who are more like inconveniences to the body politic.

That’s just the way things go in the EMPIRE state.

Now other states who have faced this type of injustice, such as California, have spouted off about breaking up the state.  Even Colorado and Maryland have been getting in on the state splitting action.  But let’s set them aside for now because their split would change little and only create 2 of the smallest states in the nation.

California though, wants to split into 6 states.  And having lived there for a short while a couple of years ago, I can easily see how that is not only reasonable but completely understandable as the people from the coast are radically different than the people of the foothills; SoCal a world apart from NorCal etc.

So too is Upstate New York radicaly different from Downs

Remembering a Hero – Medal of Honor Winner Walter D. Ehlers

Tue, 02/25/2014 - 12:00

When I was in basic training some 12 years ago, one of my drill sergeants advise that it would behoove us to, after we finished our training, take time and go to VFW’s and military halls and talk to old time veterans.  Those that punched Nazism in the face and saved the world from evil.  His reasoning was simple enough, they won’t always be there to talk to and year after year more and more finish the long march to their reward.

While I did heed my drill sergeants advice, I sometimes regret that I didn’t give more of an effort to seek out the old dogs of war and hear their tales.

So, when I hear that another of the greatest generation has shuffled off this mortal coil I like to take a moment and highlight the heroism, now seven decades past, that should still reverberate in the hearts of any true American.

Last Thursday, one of the last surviving Medal Of Honor recipients of World War II died of kidney failure at the age of 92.

Sgt Walter Ehlers was just 23 years old when, from June 9th to the 10th 1944 during the invasion of Normandy, Ehlers displayed heroism above and beyond the call of duty.

His Medal of Honor Citation:

For conspicuous gallantry and intrepidity at the risk of his life above and beyond the call of duty on 9-10 June 1944

Clock runs out for Wyoming Legislature to protect schools

Mon, 02/24/2014 - 11:38

Wyoming, the great square state of the Midwest has run out of time to do something so forward thinking and revolutionary simple that it would shame North East and California Politicians if said politicians had any credibility to begin with.

Wyoming lawmakers in both houses had voted to let school staff carry guns.  Unlike the gun controllers who seek to stamp out freedom whenever they can and as a result help criminals and madmen go on rampages unfettered by the law abiding, Wyoming had clearly deciphered the riddle that has plagued gun controllers for so long.  GUN FREE ZONES DON’T WORK! 

On February 13th, the Wyoming Legislature voted 54-6 in forwarding a bill that will allow teachers and other school workers who possess a CCW to bring their sidearm onto campus.  On the 19th the Senate committee forwarded a similar piece of legislation to the Senate for debate.  Unfortunately, by Friday the 21st the bills were among 30 that were killed because they couldn’t get addressed in time.

Supporters of the bill claimed that it will be a deterrent against madmen and criminals who would target a Wyoming school.  From what we have witnessed with school shootings in the past is that the shooters are by and large cowards who flee or kill themselves the moment they meet any type of armed r

Morgan takes long walk off short Pier…thanks America

Mon, 02/24/2014 - 10:47

While not as historic or memorable as in 1776 or in 1812, American’s have decided to kick the British in the keister and send them packing.  Or rather in this case, ONE Brit who invaded the homes of a few people each night.

Piers Morgan, ranting lunatic of the gun control movement, has had his show sacked by CNN.  But it wasn’t the big wigs at CNN who sounded the death knell for Morgan’s show but rather the viewers who tired of hearing a pompous Brit duff rail about American culture and especially our viewpoints of the 2nd Amendment.

Plus, being a liar doesn’t help.

Morgan:  ”If you don’t change your gun laws to at least try to stop this relentless tidal wave of murderous carnage, then you don’t have to worry about deporting me… I would… seriously consider deporting myself.”

I guess by being a wishy washy wanker about such things, Morgan defends himself saying he only “considered” deporting himself.

Well, now that his ratings are in the tank he doesn’t have to worry about that.

And despite his protests to the contrary it’s not because he’s BRITISH that we don’t like him:

I’m British, a breed of human being who burned down the White House in 1814 and

Strong Gun Control, Oppressive Government…Welcome to Kiev Ukraine

Fri, 02/21/2014 - 14:56

What does an oppressive government, restricting gun control and a total disdain for the populace get you?

So far about 100 people dead and a nation’s capital on fire.

Oddly enough, some people STILL claim that such a thing could never happen here.

First, they need to be stood correctly, they don’t think something like that can happen here…AGAIN.

And i’m not talking about some Whiskey Rebellion on the frontier of Appalachia in the 1700′s.  No, one need only look to the 20th Century to see how an American government can kill and injure it’s own citizens who come to DC for regress of grievances.

In 1932 the “Bonus Army”, some 17,000 WWI veterans and their families (approx 43,000 marchers) came to Washington DC to demand their promised bonus money for serving in the “Great War”.  The

Science fiction passes for “sensible” gun control measures

Thu, 02/20/2014 - 15:21

It was bad enough with all this micro-stamping nonsense but now we have to enter the realm of Judge Dredd?

To refresh your memory micro-stamping was the flawed technology that was supposed to imprint a micro-print on every shell casing of every round of ammunition fired.  I say flawed because legislation was passed before the technology was ever possible let alone feasible.

Think about it, all a person would have to do to get around the micro-print at the end of the firing pin is to grind it off.  A process that naturally occurs after the first few dozen shots anyways.  Or, even if THAT weren’t the case criminals (if they couldn’t get stolen guns) would simply start using revolvers and police their own brass.

The goal of micro-stamping legislation was not to actually use it to solve crimes but rather to bankrupt gun manufacturers by forcing them to expend copious amounts of money on technology that doesn’t work.  In California where micro-stamping was enacted, gun manufacturers Smith & Wesson along with Ruger have actually given the gun controllers what they wanted by no longer selling their wares to that state.  The losers?  The people of California.

Now, not satis

Carrying guns and drinking booze

Wed, 02/19/2014 - 12:43

I know there are a wide range of opinions on the matter.

And in truth I think guns and alcohol go together as well as driving and alcohol.  Yet, with that being said, who among us hasn’t had a drink with dinner at a restaurant and then drove home?  Just because a drop of alcohol passes our lips does not immediately make us drunken blathering idiots.

It comes down to personal responsibility.  I know, in today’s America that is a radical concept.

In Pennsylvania it is legal to carry a loaded firearm into a bar and have a drink.  I know in other states in the union they like to micromanage through legislation every facet of a person’s life in order to control them as much as possible “for their own good”.

It always baffles me when government treats its citizens like helpless children and then are surprised when those citizens act like idiotic children.  We, as a society have been fostering this notion of “passing the buck” and “nothing is our fault” for a while now.

What happened to the nation that pulls itself up by its own bootstraps, that takes responsibility for its own actions?

I don’t need a law to tell me not to be a drunken jackass with a gun.  

Can a true progressive big government liberal be FOR the 2nd Amendment?

Tue, 02/18/2014 - 21:34

Can a true progressive big government liberal be FOR the 2nd Amendment?  Short answer: No.

What’s that?  You know plenty of liberals who are gun owners?  While that very well may be the case there are 2 things to keep in mind.  There is a difference between being a gun owner and being FOR the 2nd Amendment.  One need look no further than the US Senator from California Dianne Feinstein to see what a elitist liberal big governemnt gun owner thinks of the 2nd Amendment.  Basically, so long as SHE has a gun it doesn’t matter how much she infringes on the rights of others.

Also, I am talking about true, kool aid drinking, Marx quoting, dyed in the wool big government progressive liberals.  I know plenty of people who claim to be liberal and say they are for gay marriage and pro choice and ending the war on drugs.  Yet they also say they are for the 2nd Amendment, against the ATF’s harrassment of gun owners and gun control in gerneral.  Are these examples of liberals who are for the 2nd Amendment?  No.  They are just misdiagnosed Libertarians.

What brought this up was an article from ABC News that was forw

With the 2nd Amendment you must make a stand…neutrality has no place

Mon, 02/17/2014 - 13:56

I came across a video and article the other day at LibertyUnyielding.com concerning the group Evolve, some sort of gun safety organization.

I say it like that because I have a feeling they are simply a front for a gun control platform.  According to their own FAQ section,  they are happy to work with known anti gun entities in order to promote their agenda.

Their agenda though, is the common tripe that gun controllers always like to espouse, “safety, children, blah blah blah”.  Yes, safety is important and no one wants to see children as the victims of gun violence but does Evolve’s so called “neutrality” do anything different than gun controllers?

Just take a look at the aforementioned FAQ from Evolve’s website:


Evolve does not address legislative issues, but instead focuses on exerting social pressures in order to persuade individuals to voluntarily adopt the most responsible gun safety behaviors in the context of their lives and communities.

Basically, from what it sounds like, Evolve wants to pressure gun owners to voluntarily

King Petty is right about Danica Patrick…and he ain’t taking it back

Mon, 02/17/2014 - 10:19

If there is anyone who has earned the right to express his opinion about the state of NASCAR it is Richard Petty.

Arguably the greatest racer of all time, by and far the most winningest one with 200 victories, the King has earned his place in racing royalty.

He has earned the right to tell the truth.

And the truth is that Danica Patrick will probably never win a NASCAR race.

To quote Petty directly when asked if Patrick would ever be in the winners circle:

“Only if everyone else stayed home.”

Now, what impressed me is not his ability to grasp the obvious, or even his courage to state it plainly, but while watching ESPN today he had the backbone to stick by his statement and not be cowed by all those who are up in arms about it.

Petty would even go on to elaborate more on his statement by saying (paraphrased) she’s a very good driver, but you need to be a racer to win races.  She’s not a racer.

He even stated that there have been bad drivers who are great racers who win races.  In other word’s Danica Patrick just doesn’t have it.

The King then made a point that should shame the supporters of Danica who are outraged by his statements, if Danica wa

Introducing the New York Legal AR-15 rifle and the man bringing it to the Empire State

Sun, 02/16/2014 - 10:52

Nestled in the mountains of the southern Adirondacks is a gun shop that is fighting tyranny by giving back the 2nd Amendment to it’s patrons.

With the passage of the SAFE Act and the measures within that are a cross between draconian and byzantine, sporting rifles such as the AR-15 have been prohibited simply because they look scary though they have no functional difference between any other popular hunting rifle.

But, instead of just sitting back and accepting a broad sweeping infringement upon the rights of New Yorkers, Rich Sehlmeyer, owner of The Gun Shop at MacGregors, has been waging his own battle against the SAFE Act by helping oppressed New Yorkers keep possession of the most popular rifle in the country.

A little bit about Rich and his gun shop first.  A small family business that started a decade ago with just 20 rifles and 5 handguns, the place is a bit unassuming at first.  As you will see in the video at the end of this article, it didn’t take long for me to realize I was in the right place once I entered…that it wasn’t just a “roll over and take what Albany gives you” kind of place.

With a healthy inventory, even with a chunk of it out of town for a gun show, The Gun Shop at MacGregor&#821

Another liberal activist judge inadvertently strengthens gun rights in America

Thu, 02/13/2014 - 13:00

A federal judge, US District Judge John Heyburn II, has ruled that the state of Kentucky MUST recognize same-sex marriages that were performed in other states.

The state of Kentucky had passed a constitutional amendment outlawing same-sex marriages in the state and part of that amendment was to not recognize such marriages from other states.

Judge Heyburn ruled that the exclusion of marriages from other states was unconstitutional based off of the following rationale, that Kentucky’s laws treat gay and lesbians differently in a “way that demeans them.”

Heyburn DIDN’T say that the state of Kentucky had to perform same-sex marriages but that they did have to recognize the marriage licenses from other states.

Now, THIS is where things get interesting.

If the courts rule that a license issued in one state MUST be recognized by another then by extension my Pennsylvania License to Carry a Firearm MUST be acknowledged and accepted in the State of New York.  I mean, as a gun owner, the state of New York has treated gun owners in demeaning ways for years and the state has gone out of its way to harrass and persecute out of state gun owners as well.

Travelers through the state of New York have b

Good for guns: Cruz and Paul top Presidential poll

Thu, 02/13/2014 - 12:16

One of the largest polls conducted for the 2016 election cycle with over 62,000 participants, has found that Sen. Ted Cruz from Texas and Sen. Rand Paul from Kentucky leading the way with each over 80% of support for desired candidates for the White House.

Personally I love that duo for a ticket.  Or either one if they want to ask Allen West to be a VP.

Why?  Because unlike the bottom of that poll, populated by Chris Christie and others, Cruz and Paul do not have to quantify their support of the 2nd Amendment.  They have never wavered on the issue nor have they compromised the gun rights of those they represent for political expediency.

Furthermore, they have taken an active position in PROMOTING the 2nd Amendment while others, like a certain governor of New Jersey, have done no more to protect the 2nd Amendment than the current governor of California.

I first became introduced to Ted Cruz when I was still with Gun Owners of America.  We supported his “rebellious” upstart campaign in the Republican primary over the establishment’s candidate because Cruz was not one who would compromise away our gun rights in Washington.

It was no wonder that such conviction would mirror that of the gentlemen from Kentucky, Sen. Paul.

Both men stood in the forefront in the battle agai

The heartland moves to expand gun rights

Wed, 02/12/2014 - 14:49

The state houses of Missouri and Kansas have both moved legislation along that will expand the rights of its citizens.

In the Missouri senate, legislation was passed on Tuesday that would nullify federal gun laws that are incongruent with Missourian’s 2nd Amendment rights.  Any agent of the federal government who attempt to infringe upon the rights of a Missourian would face jail time of up to a year as well as a $1000 fine.

Such measures are seemingly more and more appropriate as Obama is talking more and more about acting outside the scope of his power and enacting liberty infringing executive orders to try and pass his draconian ideas of gun control on an unwilling people.

Missouri Sen. Brian Nieves said of the legislation: “This is primarily purposed to protect liberties of Missourians.”

If the federal government is going to ignore the bill of rights, it must fall to the states to keep their people free.

Along with the protection from federal tyranny, the legislation includes a measure that would give school districts the option to designate personnel to carry a concealed weapon in school buildings after undergoing training.

The chicken littles of the gun control movement have been screeching tha

