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Updated: 13 hours 54 min ago

Bowhunter’s Buck Recovery Doesn’t Go As Planned (Video)

Thu, 10/15/2015 - 12:18

I hate it when that happens.

It was late December when this bowhunter put out some bait and waited for a North Dakota buck to show up and pose for him.

And one did.

(If you want to skip the baiting etc, just hop to 0:50 – that’s the money shot.)

The buck ran away with the arrow sticking WAY out… and since the weather was cold, they left him until morning.

When they found the buck, his meat was well-preserved – but the rack was another story.

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Survival Planning – How Much Ammo is Enough?

Wed, 10/14/2015 - 21:18

It’s a very common question posed by survivalists, preppers, and others preparing for the potential likelihood of a SHTF event. Among all the lists of plans for your survival, things to gather, store, gear to buy, skills to acquire and such a huge concern is security, self and family protection, guarding your property and just maybe staying alive.


Deer Hot Spot: Prominent Field Point

Wed, 10/14/2015 - 21:17

I don’t know what it is about timber points that extend well out into a field, but deer seem to love them. While some hunters opt to hunt such points at the tip, it’s usually better to hunt such spots near their base, well inside the woods. This is a general rule, however, and you’ve got to let deer sign, wind direction and availability of good stand trees dictate where your whitetail ambush will be made.


Try These Proven Black Powder Deer Loads

Wed, 10/14/2015 - 21:17

Loads for muzzleloaders are as varied as the hunters who use them. But the following loads, or recipes, are proven set-ups by front-stuffing hunters who swear they are deadly on whitetail deer.


Tree Stand Safety Revisited

Wed, 10/14/2015 - 21:17

Well, it is that time of year again when deer hunters will be hitting the woods in droves. Let’s hope there are fewer of them hitting the ground from slips or falls from tree stands. Only a week into the bow hunting season here in Mississippi, I am getting reports of hunters being successful in their archery efforts, so I know hunters will be climbing into their tree stands. We thought it time to cover the basics again for tree stand set up and user safety tips.


AR Mags – Metal or Plastic?

Wed, 10/14/2015 - 21:17

This is a subject of contention that never occurred to me until recently. Another prepper friend of mine brought up the subject and we had quite a lively debate about it. Everybody has their own preferences about such things like what they want on their hamburgers. I am more like the guy on the TV ad that just wants things to work. I am all about things working right, especially firearms magazines.


The Ruger LC9 Trade-In Promotion

Tue, 10/13/2015 - 14:11

So you have a Ruger LC9 with a hammer, and wish you had a newer, striker-fired model?


Michigan Mammoth – A Hunter’s Trophy?

Tue, 10/13/2015 - 13:45

Was the erstwhile wooly mammoth, whose partial remains were recently unearthed an a Michigan farm, taken by hunters, or not? As a die-hard hunter myself, I’d like to think so.


Open Carry a “Nonissue” for OK – So Let’s See it in Florida

Tue, 10/13/2015 - 13:16

Lawmakers in my home state of Florida are currently considering whether to allow concealed-carry licensees to carry their guns openly as well as concealed. Perhaps they, and other states, should look to Oklahoma.


Review: The Kel-Tec SU16CA

Tue, 10/13/2015 - 13:02

To say I am a big proponent of the Kel-Tec SU16CA is an understatement. I have used this gun in various scenarios for about the last 3 years and all I can say is that it is the best .223 carbine purchase I have made to date. It is light weight, reliable and very accurate. It is also easy to operate and once you learn how to run the gun it has many operating advantages over the AR platform.


“Assault Weapons” Ban and the Supreme Court

Tue, 10/13/2015 - 12:33

Reportedly, we should hear very soon whether the U.S. Supreme Court will hear a case challenging a ban on common rifles, erroneously labeled “assault weapons.”


Understanding the Basics of Rate of Twist

Tue, 10/13/2015 - 11:23

Putting a spin on things is a common reference these days. Putting a spin on a bullet sailing down a rifled barrel is essential to accurate shooting. Though we certainly expect that firearms manufacturers are building their barrels with the optimal or ideal rates of twist for the intended bullets of choice, these rates do vary even in the same models of rifles.


Guy Who Didn’t Like Guns Gives His Two Up, Takes a Victory Lap

Mon, 10/12/2015 - 14:22

The top post on Medium right now is a story called, “Firearms are no longer a hobby of mine”, by one Michael Pusateri. Who is Michael Pusateri, you ask?


Hypocrisy in Action: Gun-Grabbers Surround Themselves With Armed Guards

Sun, 10/11/2015 - 14:18

Anyone who’s been paying attention to the politics of guns and power knows that arguments against private gun ownership are illogical at best – but this is blatantly hypocritical.


Obama’s Oregon Welcome – Not

Sun, 10/11/2015 - 13:57

A couple days ago, the current resident of the White House took a trip to Oregon. As you may recall, Oregon is where the most recent sensational murder took place – one which Mr. Obama crassly classified as “something we should politicize” in order to steal more rights from us Americans.


Breaking News – The CMP Might Get Surplus 1911 Pistols After All

Thu, 10/08/2015 - 18:14

The legislation allowing the Civilian Marksmanship Program (CMP) to receive surplus 1911 pistols from the U.S. military and sell them to qualified U.S. citizens has passed both the House and Senate, according to CMP Chief Operating Officer Mark Johnson.


To Survive a Bear Attack, Feed it Your Arm

Thu, 10/08/2015 - 16:07

Montana – 26-year-old bowhunter Chase Dellwo was reportedly walking along a creek bed, hoping to stir up some elk so they’d head towards his brother, when he almost stumbled into a huge grizzly bear. But thanks to his grandma, he survived.


Grappling Over the Grid: No Camping on Your Own Land? (Video)

Thu, 10/08/2015 - 15:41

Costilla County, Colorado – In an area of Colorado that has reportedly become a haven for nonconformists who prefer to live “off the grid,” the government is making changes to kill that last little bit of remaining independence.


Editorial: After Every Massacre, Gun Owners Must Stand Up and Fight

Wed, 10/07/2015 - 18:39

“The best defense is a good offense.” — Every coach everywhere


“Hair Bag” Hunting Tip

Wed, 10/07/2015 - 18:31

Because whitetail deer are so conscious of human scent, smart hunters have learned to take advantage of this trait to down bucks.


