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Updated: 1 day 21 hours ago

Beretta is proud to be an Italian-American

Fri, 06/06/2014 - 21:16

What do you do when your gun company has existed before America was even a country yet you don’t want to call yourself Italian? You do this: questions Open Carry

Thu, 06/05/2014 - 18:25 is one of the most powerful gun blogs online, yet apparently they think gun owners should keep their guns hidden, worst of all, he implies Open Carriers are not practicing gun safety:


Save Our Melons! Meet Mothers Against Knives

Thu, 06/05/2014 - 01:26

Moms Demand Action, meet your UK Counterpart,

Pro-Gun Facts from CATO

Thu, 06/05/2014 - 00:48

This is from the year 2000, so it might be a bit dated but still worth sharing. The bold highlights are mine:


4 Pro-Gun Signs on Amazon

Thu, 06/05/2014 - 00:33

Let the burglars know you’re packing with a cool pro-gun sign

Tactical Firearms Sign: Trade Obama to Mexico for Tahmooressi

Wed, 06/04/2014 - 23:39

What do you do when you can’t afford advertising? You turn your sign into an ad, ad in the case of

Don’t fear the door-to-door salesman

Wed, 06/04/2014 - 23:17

Door-to-door salesmen aren’t as common as they used to be, but you should still be wary of what you do:

AUSTIN — A salesman was walking door-to-door when a man came out on his porch and pointed a loaded gun at him, police said.

Police arrived at James Arthur Strohm’s house, 56, after they received a call that he allegedly pointed a gun at a salesman who approached his door, an affidavit said.

He was asked to step out on his porch with his hands up as police handcuffed him and searched his house. No other weapons were found in the house besides the one he pointed at the salesman. The gun was loaded.

Strohm said he did pull a gun on the salesman but he did not point the weapon at him. Police charged him with aggravated assault with a deadly weapon.

As of Wednesday, Strohm was not in custody.

What I want to know is if he had his gun in a holster or sling, or if he was holding it with his hands? I hope Strohm is innocent. If I had been in the salesman’s place, I would have walked away. If someone tells me “get away from my property” I take that advice.


Armed Voting Denied to Alabamian

Tue, 06/03/2014 - 23:07

Only thing that pisses me off about this article is that they use a quote from the NRA to attack us.

Guns & Ammo publishes two letters against Sarah Palin

Tue, 06/03/2014 - 19:41

I don’t blame Guns & Ammo for exposing some dubious characters. One threatens to cancel his subscription if he sees another picture of Sarah Palin in “his” Guns & Ammo, another wonders if the magazine will feature the Kardashians on safari or Justin Bieber on camo. It’s interesting they’re both from anti-gun States, Maine and Illinois, so it makes me wonder if these “gun owners” are really Democrats who support the right to track and hunt deer?

Darren and Everett, you should be ashamed of yourselves. Sarah Palin has done NOTHING against the 2nd Amendment, if Guns & Ammo features her in a couple of issues, what’s the big deal? Turn the page! How hard is that? Besides, after the Dick Metcalf fiasco they need to prove their pro-gun colors, featuring Palin can’t hurt.


Arkansas advertises on Guns & Ammo

Tue, 06/03/2014 - 19:01

States aren’t products but they do offer services and contrary to popular opinion, if you build it, they don’t come. Arkansas wants gun owners to come, which is why they did this factual ad on Guns & Ammo, June 2014 edition.

Their website is

Only thing I didn’t like was a picture of Bill Clinton under the headline, “Arkansas favors the iconic.” But to be fair, how many U.S. Presidents have been from Arkansas?




Justice for Jeremy- Armed Pharmacists Fired, Walgreens Wins.

Tue, 06/03/2014 - 05:22

This should be appealed all the way to the Supreme Court:

NSSF Attacks Rahm Emanuel’s Gun Dealer Harassment

Tue, 06/03/2014 - 00:10

The freedom-hating Mayor of Chicago is trying to use regulations to make our pro-gun victory meaningless:


More Gun Ranges in North Carolina

Mon, 06/02/2014 - 21:38

Good news for gun owners:

MECKLENBURG COUNTY, N.C. — Two gun rangers are under construction in the Charlotte area, including in Indian Land and Matthews; both are expected to open before the end of the year.

Experts say the Charlotte area could have 12 to 15 gun ranges in business in the next few years, compared to two or three private ranges a decade ago.

Ripping off rounds at gun ranges is as much sport as it is safety.

“It’s a skill to learn; you can keep getting better,” said Daniel Schwarz, who is building Point Blank Range on Monroe Road in Matthews.

Larry Hyatt, who owns the nation’s largest private gun store, says the popularity of shooting ranges and subsequent gun range construction is fueled by the biggest gun purchase binge in U.S. history, stemming from the presidential election, the tragedy at Sandy Hook Elementary School and calls for tougher gun laws.

The Mecklenburg County Sheriff’s Office issued nearly 7,000 more gun permits in 2013 than it did in 2012.

“All those buyers, they want a place to shoot their guns. The vast majority live in an urban environment and there is no place to shoot,” explained Hyatt.

Point Blank’s groundbreaking is a multi-million dollar investment. Co-owner Dave Driscoll says the...

Open Carry is the Next Civil Rights Battle

Mon, 06/02/2014 - 05:36

I’m starting to wonder if The Truth About Guns is against the open carry movement:


Incendiary Image of the Day: Home Depot Open Carry Rally Edition

Gun control won’t stop gun suicides

Sun, 06/01/2014 - 21:36

Here’s one of the most ridiculous opinion columns I have ever read. Reno Berkeley writes:

In less than one year, my family has been hit by three suicides. The most recent one came just days ago and my family is still reeling from it. Three suicides, three different, beautiful people. And they all had one thing in common: they ended their lives with guns.

All three lived in Texas, a state with notoriously lax gun laws. No matter how many people die, though, the state remians stubbornly pro-gun.

Bloomberg is Posturing to Appeal to Independents

Sun, 06/01/2014 - 00:07

Bloomberg has been making headlines with statements like these:


“Tolerance for other people’s ideas and the freedom to express your own are inseparable values.


There is an idea floating around college campuses – including here at Harvard – that scholars should be funded only if their work conforms to a particular view of justice. There’s a word for that idea: censorship. And it is just a modern-day form of McCarthyism.

In the 1950s, the right wing was attempting to repress left-wing ideas. Today, on many campuses, it is liberals trying to repress conservative ideas, even as conservative faculty members are at risk of becoming an endangered species.


Throughout history, those in authority have tried to repress ideas that threaten their power, their religion, their ideology or their re-election chances.
