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Updated: 1 week 4 days ago

Contrasting Venezuela, Iraq and Chicago homicides

Thu, 02/27/2014 - 10:00

Miguel at Gun Free Zone (put it on your regular reading list) has a great story today comparing the nations of Iraq (where residents have some semblance of a right to keep firearms in their homes) to Venezuela (a supposed democracy where residents have NO right to keep firearms).

Interesting juxtaposition.

Area: 435,052 km2  (169,234 sq mi)
Population: 36,004,552
Deaths in 2013 (Deadliest year since 2008): 7,000+

Area: 916,445 km2 (353,841 sq m

CSGV turns out 15 to lobby against NRA at a VISA office

Thu, 02/27/2014 - 08:00


The National Rifle Association has an affinity program with VISA, whereby its 5 million plus members earn sort of an equivalent of a “cash back” program for the NRA on purchases made with the cards.  The NRA says over $20 million has been raised through the program over the years.

The Coalition to Stop Gun Violence Ownership can’t stand that.

Their naive handful of “members” (useful idiots) are herded by paid shills prostituted by grants from Soros, Bloomberg, et al.

In recent days, the paid shills herded a merry band of fifteen or so to turn out at a satellite office of VISA in Washington to deliver petitions with — wait for it — more than 5100 people urging VISA to abandon the NRA VISA affiliate program.

5100 signatures.

Truly now, CSGV must be mentally ill to think VISA is going to abandon a profitable business arrangement that has netted VISA tens of millions of dollars because they received 5,100 signat

Nancy Grace: Huckster for the lowest of the low-information types

Wed, 02/26/2014 - 14:00

Nancy Grace and CNN are meant for one another.

She’s a complete drama queen, completely willing to try to make a dry dog turd into a major news story to retain her handful of low-information viewers.

Then again, what do you expect from CNN, a network who tries to peddle make-believe analysis about gun ownership rates as fact?

In recent days, she tried to make George Zimmerman’s meager assemblage of self-defense firearms into, well, an OUTRAGE!

“STUNNING… new evidence revealing GEORGE… ZIMMERMAN’S… SHOCKING… ARSENAL… of guns and ammo.”

Here it is if you want to subject yourself to her idiocy.

You won’t miss any

IL CCW Permits to hit the mail this weekend.

Wed, 02/26/2014 - 12:30


The Quad City Times reported it and one of our sources confirmed it:

Look for the ISP to hold a news conference late Friday to announcing the mailing of CCW permits.

Some may have them as soon as Monday.

At this point, we’re unsure how many folks they are going to release licenses to – licenses that in some cases were approved weeks ago.  Our best guestimate is that they will keep everyone waiting about ten weeks before they get their license – if they got fingerprinted.  If not, add four weeks.

It’s Illinois, after all.  We can’t make things easy.  Or fast.  Or cheap.

In any event, criminals beware.

The rules of the game have changed and your world will become a lot more hazardous starting next week.

From the QC Times:

An example of an unwarranted FOID revocation

Wed, 02/26/2014 - 12:00

by John Boch

We posted a story about the extremely low rates of Firearm Owner Identification Card revocation earlier today.  In short, Illinois gun owners have less than four-tenths of one percent rate of FOID revocation, and most of the reasons for revocation have nothing to do with a criminal conviction – but in fact many are pulled for mere arrests.

We know of one case where a life-long FOID cardholder and GSL member was arrested by Urbana Police early last year on charges of burglary and felony theft related to metal theft.

Trust us…  we have zero sympathies for thieves.  Doubly so for scrap metal thieves who destroy perfectly good machines and structures to steal a few hundred bucks’ worth of scrap metal.  Our philosophy on people who do such things is about the same as we would do for child molesters, rapists, murderers and corrupt politicians:  Lightpole.

Connecticut’s gun pre-confiscation letter: Here it is.

Wed, 02/26/2014 - 10:13

We broke the story to gun owners nationwide about Connecticut mailing a pre-confiscation letter to that state’s gun owners who were late with their registration applications.

Over 200 gun and magazine owners, with notarized statements and descriptions of their property listed on completed registration applications, were sent the letters, bringing that state one step closer to gun and magazine confiscations and gun owners being made into felons.

Here’s the letter.  Courtesy of The Truth About Guns.

FOID: The numbers Illinois’ political leaders didn’t want you to see

Wed, 02/26/2014 - 10:00

The source is confidential, and unimpeachable.

We’ll let the numbers speak for themselves.  (Hat tip to The Truth About Guns)

Let us put the overall number of valid FOID cards into a graph for your enjoyment…


You probably noticed the numbers of FOID cards revoked has stayed in the 6,xxx range for the entire time frame – despite the 33% rise in valid FOID cards from 2009 to 2013.

Let’s talk about FOID revocations for a moment, shall we.

As this is an anti-gun state, it won’t surprise you to know that the Illinois State Police r

It’s time to think warm thoughts, concealed carry – and saving money!

Wed, 02/26/2014 - 02:35

*Paid advertising*

It’s almost March.  The snow and sub-freezing temperatures will soon be gone.   It’s time to think warm thoughts and concealed carry!

The Illinois State Police will begin mailing concealed carry licenses any day now.  Yes, it’s really going to happen.

Even if you’re not sure you want a carry license, it’s always good to learn how to use your handgun to defend yourself and your family should danger appear near.  Like the Guns Save Life highway sign set says, “Remember sonny:  That rabbit’s foot won’t save no bunny!”

GSL Defense Training is offering the finest Illinois Concealed Carry classes  – courses that vastly exceed the State of Illinois mandated-minimums. Better still, we’ve having a sale on class registrations received before March 31, 2014!  SAVE BIG MONEY!

Our instructors have roughly 200 years of instructional

Website update: Things are calming down and surpassing a milestone

Tue, 02/25/2014 - 23:28



Lots of good news today.

We crested 100,000 unique visitors, blowing well into six-figure land for the first time in our short 18 months online in the gun blogging world.

In other good news, Hostek came through bigtime, helping to alleviate the heavy load our server was groaning under.

It turns out we weren’t under a coordinated denial of service attack, but simply an attack of people seeking more information about Connecticut state officials violating their oaths of office.

Hostek doubled the number of concurrent connections available to our readers and it made things tolerable, even if it was running sluggishly for most of the day.

Thanks to all who came by to visit us…



Website update: Things are calming down and surpassing a milestone

Tue, 02/25/2014 - 23:00



Lots of good news today.

We crested 100,000 unique visitors, blowing well into six-figure land for the first time in our short 18 months online in the gun blogging world.

In other good news, Hostek came through bigtime, helping to alleviate the heavy load our server was groaning under.

It turns out we weren’t under a coordinated denial of service attack, but simply an attack of people seeking more information about Connecticut state officials violating their oaths of office.

Hostek doubled the number of concurrent connections available to our readers and it made things tolerable, even if it was running sluggishly for most of the day.

Thanks to all who came by to visit us…


Florida “Movie theater texting killing” prosecution moves forward

Tue, 02/25/2014 - 10:42

As if we needed yet another example of the mainstream media’s anti-gun bias, we have it for you today.

You probably heard about the “terrible” incident where a man confronted someone text messaging in a theater and ended up pulling out a gun and shooting the jackwagon who was ruining his moving-going experience by texting during the movie.

Well, that’s not exactly how it went down.

Hard to believe, I know.

Turns out there’s video from inside the theater.  Yeah, night vision.  Tell that to your teenage kids or grandkids, and caution them not to be getting too hot and heavy inside the theater unless they are wanting to show off for the audience in the security booth.

Anyway, the incident has gone to a bail hearing.

The defendant – the man who had the concealed carry license – is 71-years-old.  His name is Curtis Reeves and he’s a retired captain from the Tampa PD.  After retiring, he took over security for Busch Gardens.  Clearly, he was a good cop who knew his stuff.

CNN has the video, along with some fair analysis, particularly for CNN.   You can see by clicking here. 

GSL Website Problems: Good and bad

Tue, 02/25/2014 - 07:53

Click for full-size image.

First off, our apologies for a sluggish website.  If you’re like us, you’re having difficulty getting on (we’re able to access the site only about one out of two tries, and trying to get to the admin side of things is much more difficult than that).

We have good news and bad news to deliver; first the good news.

Our friends at Hostek are getting their workout today.

Guns Save Life has already broken traffic records with over 45,000 unique visitors as of this writing at 7:50am and it’s not even peak hours of the day.  We expect to crest six figures for the first time in our history, or easily ten times the average traffic of about 9k uniques.

Yes, everyone’s reading the Connecticut gun confiscation letter story.

Then there’s the bad news.

Not everyone has reacted po

Special Tier One training that’s just… Special.

Tue, 02/25/2014 - 07:00

Redefining high speed – low drag.


The boys over at Arfcom are bragging about taking training to the next level.

We’re pretty sure there’s some satire going on there.  We hope.

Connecticut sends out the first confiscation letters

Mon, 02/24/2014 - 17:55

Gun confiscations is one step closer in Connecticut.  The mainstream media spins it as “one more chance” for non-compliant gun owners who failed to register their scary guns before the January 1 deadline.

In reality, these letters - 106 to rifle owners, and 108 more to residents with standard capacity magazines – are the first step in the Connecticut State Police beginning to round up guns arbitrarily made illegal last year in that state.  These guns include America’s favorite rifle, the AR-15 and magazines over 10 rounds, which include the standard capacity magazines made for that America’s favorite rifle.

Failure to register is now a felony now in Connecticut.

How long will it be before there is bloodshed over this law?  We’re not sure, but we’re confident it is coming unless the law is rescinded or struck down by the courts.

Mike Vanderboegh of the edgy Sipsey Street Irregulars released an open letter a couple of weeks ago,

Mark your calendar: BIG 900+ gun auction March 16th in Mattoon, IL

Mon, 02/24/2014 - 16:51

Bauer Auction is hosting another of their massive gun auctions on Sunday, March 16th.

900+ guns.

There are some nice collectibles advertised, as well as some potential bargains.

Click here for the online catalog of guns up for auction… with photos.

Central Illinois Largest Firearm Auction 

South Rt. 45 – 2601 Lakeland Blvd. -  Mattoon, IL.

From Interstate 57 – Take Exit 184 North 2 Miles

Sunday, March 16th , 2014 – - 9:00 A.M.

Note: Guns 1 to 699 will sell in cataloged order from the 1st auction ring, Guns 700 to 1000 will sell in cataloged order from the second auction ring followed by tables of Ammo, Military, Reloading & Collectibles.


KUBICEK: “Democracy means that if the doorbell rings in the early hours, it is likely to be the milkman.”

Mon, 02/24/2014 - 15:43

by Fred Kubicek

The thought for the day is brought to us by Winston Churchill:  “Democracy means that if the doorbell rings in the early hours, it is likely to be the milkman.”

According to latest statistics, 33 local law enforcement officers were killed in the line of duty by gunfire during  2013. While this is indeed tragic, it is the lowest number who have died in that way since 1887. There is no doubt that both tactics and equipment have played a large part in this relatively low number.

On the other hand this story about a 17 year old boy who was shot and killed by police when he answered the door carrying a Wii video game controller cau

Even a broken clock is right twice a day: Ignatius Piazza

Mon, 02/24/2014 - 15:11



Ignatius Piazza, the bloviating head of the Front Sight shooting academy in the middle of nowhere Nevada, loves to send out marketing materials to the members of Front Sight.


Sometimes twice a day.

In them, he gleefully shares his thoughts and opinions on a wide range of gun-related topics.

In one of his recent missives, he takes apart a video of a Kentucky state representative who had a negligent discharge in her office.

Some parts he’s right on:  Guns don’t fire by accident, for instance.  Or that negligent discharges just “happen”.

Other parts, such as his unloading regime, seem a little over the top.  Just like Ignatius Piazza.


…[H]ere is a video that once again demonstrates how our lawmakers are really in no position to make laws regarding the saf

IL Governor Quinn hires de Blasio campaign manager as chief strategist

Mon, 02/24/2014 - 09:38


If you were wondering in which direction Governor Pat Quinn wants to take Illinois, look no further.

Rich Miller over at Capitol Fax reports this morning that Illinois Governor Pat Quinn has hired the new New York Mayor Bill de Blasio’s campaign manager to serve as Quinn’s chief strategist.

About de Blasio:

de Blasio has been charitably described by some as a hardcore liberal and he’s been implementing a hard-left liberal agenda in New York City since his election.  Even the mainstream media has noticed.  Others have flat out

Guess who got fired…

Sun, 02/23/2014 - 21:24



Piers Morgan got canned.

Morgan, of course, is trying to spin it that he’s quitting because America just doesn’t like him.

Good riddance to this hack.

A little over a year ago, a British Broadcasting Corporation reporter flew out from London to do a story on Guns Save Life.

I asked her if she knew of Piers Morgan.  Her reply?  She’d worked with him in the past and unsolicited, she said Morgan was a pompous douche or something along those lines.

We’re glad he’s headed back across the Pond.

Happy Endings: Good guys and gals with guns stop bad guys gone evil

Sat, 02/22/2014 - 11:30

CBS Miami is reporting on a store security guard at The Presidente Supermarket in Little Havana who engaged a lunatic wielding a sword who pledged to kill everyone.

Swinging the sword, Hector Hechavarria managed to wound one of the customers before a store security guard intervened and poked some holes in Hector’s plan.

After being perforated and leaking blood, Hector the Harmful ran outside and continued his tirade, at which point the security guard “asked” him to drop the sword.  For his effort in “asking”, the guard got clobbered in the head with the sword, fortunately apparently not with the business end.  When Hector failed to comply, the guard further perforated him, ending the rampage.


