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Updated: 1 week 3 days ago

New York Daily News: Proudly Anti-Gun

Thu, 05/01/2014 - 00:05

Liberals rarely admit being anti-gun, they talk about “common-sense gun control” or gun safety, but the NY Daily News is rare in their honesty, at least when it comes to their hoplophobia. This was their headline:


6 Shot in Fedex’s “Gun-Free Zone”

Wed, 04/30/2014 - 17:24

Attention mass shooters, looking for soft targest? Fedex is full of them:



If you followed today’s shooting at a FedEx facility in Georgia in which six people were injured and the shooter was killed, you might have noticed something ironic in the parking lot of the building.

As you can see in the screenshot above, the building is a gun free zone.

In Georgia, signs don’t hold legal weight, but if you were a FedEx employee and violated this policy I’m sure you could be terminated. I doubt many people would take that risk.

It’s just the latest example of a mass shooting in a gun free zone.

According to media sources, the weapon used by the shooter was a shotgun. This further illustrates that banning certain types of firearms is a ludicrous proposition as even simple sporting arms can be used to inflict great harm when the victims are unarmed.


LiveScience Plays Class Warfare

Tue, 04/29/2014 - 23:20

When the poor rejects liberal ideas, the liberals play the Wealth Card:


The wealthiest Americans care passionately about things like

John Stewart Bodyguards Meme

Tue, 04/29/2014 - 22:59

John Stewart makes a good living as a “comedian”, $25 million a year.

Jon Stewart went after Sarah Palin and the NRA on Tuesday night for projecting incredible paranoia about a supposed war against them by the rest of the country, responding not with a desire for more electable candidates but with “lock and load, motherfuckers!”
Read More:

If I’m paranoid why does he have three armed bodyguards? What are you afraid of, John? Stalkers? Home invaders? Muggers? Clearly you’re not paying your armed guards money for nothing.



Nicholas Bill is Not Gun Safety

Tue, 04/29/2014 - 19:55

The anti-gunners are using “gun safety” when what they really mean is gun control.


After youths’ deaths, victims’ families push for gun-safety law

Gun-control advocates are at the Capitol today to push for a bill that would require additional storage requirements for gun owners.

New Yorkers Against Gun Violence and victims’ families are seeking legislative approval for “

The Racist History of Gun Control

Sun, 04/27/2014 - 23:59

Here’s a useful chart, click the link if you’d like to read more.


5 Gun Ads

Sun, 04/27/2014 - 23:31

Maher admits liberals can be obnoxious

Fri, 04/25/2014 - 22:29

As Spartacus would put it, sometimes Bill removes head from ass:

Bill Maher blasted Republicans in his show-ending New Rule Friday, but also had some choice words for the “political correctness Nazis” and other “obnoxious” liberals who give people an excuse to support Republicans in the first place. Maher admitted he has no earthly idea how Republicans could possibly be this popular in this day and age, short of “cheating.”

However, Maher had to admit liberals have made the “cultural resentment” on the right much easier to grasp, with the PC police telling people like him to censor jokes, Facebook providing over 50 genders, atheists suing over crosses, and all the rest of it. Maher admitted “liberals can be obnoxious” and people don’t like political “nagging.”

However, Maher warned that liberal paternalism is no reason to “cut off your nose to spite your face.” He said, “For every liberal with a cause who makes you go ‘Oh, shoot me,’ there’s a conservative with a gun who will.”

Gun Hater Wintemute Admits Gun Shows are not a problem

Thu, 04/24/2014 - 23:46

The bad doctor is making the news because he donated $1 million of his own money to continue anti-gun research, this is because Republicans are stopping the CDC from funding junk science. This is good, I like it when the private sector does what they like with their money instead of mine. Reading the interview, I found this interesting admission:


Has your research ever made gun control advocates uncomfortable?

I did a

AZCentral’s Pointless Editorial Against AR-15 Rifles

Thu, 04/24/2014 - 19:54

When was the last time a raffled AR-15 was used in a crime? How about never? Not that that stops “brilliant” journalists from editorializing against them, in a subtle way.

There is something about an AR-15 that people seem to find irresistible as a prize in a raffle.

Make of this what you will.

Last year, well-known gun-control advocate Mark Kelly, husband of gun-violence victim Gabrielle Giffords, bought a Sig Sauer AR-15 in Tucson. The store owner reportedly had second thoughts about consummating the deal, and, instead, declared he would donate the weapon to be raffled off on behalf of a National Rifle Association gun-safety program.

Republican groups have raffled AR-15s, providing tidbits of political fodder to their anti-gun political opponents. One of the raffles, by the East Valley’s Legislative District 26 Republicans, prompted Democratic LD 26 committee chairman Randy Keating to respond: “An AR-15 assault rifle is a dangerous weapon in the wrong hands, it should not be a contest prize.”

Well, a lot of people disagree, including the Wisconsin-based Jews for the Preservation of Firearms Ownership, which raffled off one last year under the theme, “Gun control isn’t kosher.”

And, there is what may...

Thad Cochran’s Anti-McDaniel Ad

Thu, 04/24/2014 - 17:02

Just because a candidate is pro-gun doesn’t mean he’s anti-pork, as


Thu, 04/24/2014 - 14:40

Savage Arms: LAPUA Ad

Thu, 04/24/2014 - 14:38

GunVault Ad

Thu, 04/24/2014 - 14:36

Cool ad, do you own one of these? I just hope the biometric technology works when you need it most.

Rock River Arms: LAR-15 Delta Car Ad

Thu, 04/24/2014 - 14:34

